the npl

Carruthers brings in versatile front man Dwyer

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Carruthers brings in versatile front man Dwyer

Striker Anthony Dwyer has joined Matlock Town for a second time following his release by National League North neighbours Alfreton Town.

Dwyer (26) was with Matlock under the joint management of Glenn Kirkwood and Craig Hopkins in 2016/17 having been with Stafford Rangers following his release by Mansfield Town.

He has played for a host of clubs in the National League North and Southern and Northern Premier Leagues, most recently being on loan at Sheffield FC from Alfreton.

Matlock boss Martin Carruthers has been a long time admirer of Dwyer and he is delighted to have got his man at long last.

“I’m really pleased to get Anthony Dwyer over the line, he’s a player I’ve been chasing for a number of years and have never been quite able to capture him. In the past two seasons he’s been top scorer at Nuneaton and top scorer at Basford, he wanted to test himself at Alfreton but it didn’t quite work out for him. It’s a great opportunity for him to come back to Matlock more experienced and a more mature player. We know all about his goals, he can play anywhere along that front line, on the wings or as a striker so he has versatility. He’s got energy, desire and can give us goals because we’ve been relying on Jonny Margetts to do that. It’ll take the weight off Margs, he’ll bring a lot of qualities and he’s a great lad in the dressing room, so it’s a fantastic signing for the club.”

Subject to NPL and FA approval, Dwyer will be in the Gladiators squad for Saturday’s scheduled NPL clash at Whitby Town.

Ian Richardson