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Qualter joins Scarborough for undisclosed fee

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Qualter joins Scarborough for undisclosed fee

A change in job has led to captain Ryan Qualter leaving Matlock Town to join Scarborough Athletic for an undisclosed fee.

The news emerged this week as Qualter spoke with Matlock manager Martin Carruthers and Chairman Jay Beaumont with Qualter disclosing that he would be unable to make training sessions which are now held in Matlock.

His departure will undoubtedly come as a huge blow to the Matlock supporters who hold him in high regard, a no nonsense centre back who always gave one hundred per cent and was a leader both on and off the pitch.

Mr Beaumont says that the club held several conversations with Ryan to try to find a way to make it work.

‘Its a reflection of the fantastic person that Ryan is that on a personal level he could not accept a position where he wasn’t attending training but was being selected for the squad as this would be unfair on those who had attended the sessions. Ultimately we had to respect his feelings. This has been a difficult process for everyone involved as nobody wanted this outcome but the reality of us moving our training venue to Matlock, which is planned to be a long term arrangement, and Ryan having his change in job role we all had to accept that there was no alternative.”

The next challenge for the Chairman was to then ensure that the club got the best deal possible.

“Ryan’s current contract was due to expire at the end of the season although we had an option to extend it. Given that we all agreed that Ryan certainly wouldn’t be playing for us next season it came down to the option of losing Ryan for nothing come the end of April or receiving a fee now which helps Martin build his squad for the future with this being the best option for the club. Ryan departs with a massive thank you for all of his efforts during his time with us, a great captain both with and without the armband and someone who always gave his all. He will always be a welcome visitor at Causeway Lane.”


Matlock Town boss Martin Carruthers says the departure of club captain Ryan Qualter is something he really did not want to happen.

A new job and Qualter’s commitments at home decreed that he would be unable to attend training sessions in Matlock on a Monday and Wednesday.

“It’s really sad that he’s going, I didn’t want to lose him. Unfortunately Ryan’s personal circumstances coupled with his own professionalism have led to him making the move from the club. Fortunately with Adam Yates back at the club and with the likes of Jamie Sharman, Jaz Goundry and Ioan Evans, it’s made things a little easier. He’s a top performer, a top professional who has been a tremendous help to me since I came to the club. He’s well liked and respected in the dressing room so he’ll be sorely missed and it goes without saying that we wish him all the best in his life in and out of football.”

Ultimately Qualter signed off with a man of the match performance and Matlock’s second equalising goal in a 2-2 draw with Morpeth Town on January 7.


Ryan Qualter says he is “gutted” that his stay at Matlock Town has come to an end.

The Gladiators club captain has moved to National League North Scarborough Athletic for an undisclosed fee after home and work commitments dictated that he could not attend training sessions at Matlock on a Monday and Wednesday night.

“I’m gutted and really upset with how fast things have happened and I’ve been struggling to get my head around things. The reasons for me leaving are purely circumstantial, I can’t commit fully to the new training regime as I have my girls on a Monday and Wednesday evening plus I’m starting a new job which also doesn’t fit in with training nights.”

Qualter and Matlock did their best to reach a compromise in allowing Qualter to train away from the squad and continue to play for the Gladiators.

“The club suggested I train away from the squad and continued to play for them. I’ve given this a lot of thought, we’ve looked at every option. But I don’t think it’s fair to the lads, the manager and the club not to be there at training and expect to play on the Saturday. It’s left a lump in my throat but I’ve had to accept it’s just one of those things. It’s probably best for everyone that we part ways for now.”

Qualter joined Matlock in the summer of 2020 from Alfreton Town and he is full of praise for everyone at the club.

“At Matlock it’s the happiest I’ve ever been in football. Last season was the best football I’ve played. The manager, my team mates, the fans were all tremendous. In lads like Leesy and Al Byrne, you make friends for life, it was great playing with Wilesy and Hughesy, in fact everyone, getting to the play-offs was a big achievement and I hope we’ve put Matlock Town back on the map. The fans have been outstanding, the way they conduct themselves ids brilliant, there’s no better away following than you get at Matlock plus the crowds down at Matlock have been fantastic. It’s a fantastic club to play for, everyone pulls in the same direction.”

Qualter was named as Matlock’s player of the year last season and was promoted to the skipper’s position last summer when Liam Hughes moved to Worksop Town. He was the obvious man to take over having shown outstanding leadership qualities since arriving at the Proctor Cars Stadium.

Those leadership qualities will be badly missed and reading between the lines, Qualter really did not want to leave the Gladiators.

“The club made me and my family feel so welcome, Matlock is a real family club and I shall miss playing for them. I’d like to thank everyone involved with the club for a fantastic two and a bit years. The club’s in great hands with Jase as Chairman, it’s a bit of a transition period for Matlock now but I’m sure they’ll come back stronger and be a force both in this division and possibly the one above in the next year or two.”

Ian Richardson